
Crunch is an open source, GPL-3.0 licensed command line tool written in Rust for manipulating assets, designed to complement a game development asset pipeline. Commands can either be executed directly, or can be executed via pipeline files.

Quick Installation

If you're using Linux or Windows, you can download the pre-built binaries, copy them to your path and get going:

Check the installation page for more ways of sourcing your version of Crunch, including installing from source on other platforms.

Basic Usage

After you've installed the binary, you can use the crunch command to start manipulating assets. Check out the help for a given command with crunch <command> --help, or by checking the link in the sidebar that correlates to the command you want to run.

Usage: crunch <COMMAND>

  rotate    Rotate an image clockwise by the given degree
  extrude   Take each tile in an image and expand its borders by a given amount. Optionally fill with nearby pixels instead of empty space
  palette   Create a palette file containing every distinct colour from the input image
  scale     Resize an image by a scale factor
  flip      Flip an image along one or more axis
  remap     Convert the colour space of an image to that of a given palette file
  pipeline  Execute a predefined pipeline
  reduce    Limit the number of colours by quantity or threshold
  split     Take a spritesheet and split into individual sprites, skipping empty space
  help      Print this message or the help of the given subcommand(s)

  -h, --help     Print help
  -V, --version  Print version

Updating from 0.4 to 0.5

0.5.0 contains a breaking change to the argument order for commands. From 0.5 onwards, the command being executed is now specified before the input and output file paths. This is because some commands don't use both an input and an output, causing version 0.4 and lower to require a dummy value in those locations.

For Example:

  • 0.4: crunch ./myimage.png ./myimage-flipped.png flip -d both
  • 0.5: crunch flip -d both ./myimage.png ./myimage-flipped.png

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